hello world!

My Recent Favorite-Taking Online English Lessons

Tutors are from all over the world!

Recently, I really enjoy taking online English lessons. The company I work for supports the employees to improve their English skills, and as one of the supports, I can take 2 slots of online English lessons a day for free. Thanks to the opportunity, everyday I can enjoy various kind of stories with my tutors from all over the world. Through the lessons, tutors tell me a lot of things I don’t know about their country, cultures, and so on. Generally the tutors are very kind, patient, friendly, and professional as the ESL teacher.

The thing I value the most is having the opportunity that would not happened if I do not take the lessons, such as encountering people far from my country. For example, today I had a lesson with a tutor from Albania. He told me that he enjoys Sushi with sweet chili sauce, but actually he didn’t know whether sushi is Japanese food or not, and also he has believed that sweet chili sauce comes from Japan because it goes very well with sushi, he said. I can imagine that some kind of sushi go well with sweet chili sauce, but I’ve never tried it by myself. The stories like this drives my imagination and it is fun to me. And also, I feel a big potential that the cultural fusion may create something new and better.

Hope my Tutors Read my Article

Originally, I started this blog to write about what I am interested in, just for my fun. So I used to post articles in Japanese only. But since I started taking online English lessons, I’ve post some articles in English because I’ve got a chance to nurture my blog international. What a wonderful thing if my blog has readers from all over the world! Now I feel like shouting “Hello World!!”

It is always fun to me to communicate with people with various backgrounds. Lately, we can keep in touch with our friends easily thanks to SNS such as Twitter, Facebook, and so on. By using SNS, we don’t have to make effort to maintain a blog like this. I also enjoy posting on Facebook, but I dare run this blog because it is my own media. Honestly speaking, this blog is not necessary to be popular among people. I am happy enough if somebody I’ve encountered before may read some articles in my blog.

Keep Practicing Makes Improve

I really feel that keep practicing is essential to develop one’s skill. I am saying nothing special but this simple thing is real. At the same time, this simple thing is very difficult to continue. Sometimes I get discouraged and feel like doing nothing. Even such an exciting opportunity like the online English lessons, sometimes I can be reluctant to take it. And once I stop taking, the next time I try to take, I feel some difficulties and need my courage to take necessary action, even it is just like making a couple of clicks to book a lesson.. So for me, keep going without stopping even little by little. Cheers!
